TUIO-1.4 lib is a buggy version, we should update to the version from 6th November 2014 marked as version 1.1.5
There is a buggy constructor in the lib we use. It prevents that the angle is correctly set.
* This constructor takes the provided Session ID, Symbol ID, X and Y coordinate
* and angle, and assigs these values to the newly created TuioObject.
* @param si the Session ID to assign
* @param sym the Symbol ID to assign
* @param xp the X coordinate to assign
* @param yp the Y coordinate to assign
* @param a the angle to assign
public TuioObject (long si, int sym, float xp, float yp, float a) {
symbol_id = sym;
angle = angle;
rotation_speed = 0.0f;
rotation_accel = 0.0f;